Want to learn Bisaya/Cebuano? Try Lesson 1 for FREE!
Lesson 1
On Lesson 1 we will deal with First Class Personal Pronouns. Personal Pronouns are things like “I, You, He, She, We or They”. They are words we use to call out people, although not their names. There are other classes of personal pronouns, which we will learn at during later lessons.
Follow along with the video below and let’s get started with this first lesson.
Now, below is this week’s Vocabulary. Listen to the MP3 File so that you can practice and learn the new words. You may also download the MP3 file so that you can listen on your MP3 Player, Cellular Phone or other device.
Flash Cards for Lesson 1 Vocabulary
Practice your lesson over the next week or so, then before you start on Lesson 2, you should complete the Written Exercises. In your folder of materials for the first 4 lessons, which you downloaded, you will find an answer key for the written exercises. Use that answer key to check how you did on your first written exercises!
See you again when we get started on Lesson 2.
If you like lesson one and are ready to start learning, buy the course by clicking here.
We also offer Lesson 2 for Free, give it a try now!
thank you Bob for making two of your lessons available for free. I was intimated to learn Bisaya but after trying your 2 free lessons I have confidence that I can learn it! I will be purchasing your entire course soon and in the meantime will keep practicing and learning from lessons 1 and 2. Thanks again and take care!
You are most welcome! Goog Luck